Online Banking Alerts

As digital banking usages continue to rise, staying in the know on all activities within your Online Banking account is crucial. By setting up Online Banking Alerts, you can receive automatic alerts by text or email when certain activities are recorded on your account. This will ensure you are the first to know of any suspicious activity or transactions that occur.

The following alerts are available to you as a member:

  • Personal Access Code Changed
  • New Payee Added
  • Online Banking Account Locked out – Incorrect PAC
  • Online Banking Account Locked out – Incorrect Answer to Security Question
  • Online Login
  • Interac® e-Transfer Recipient Added

How to set up your Alerts:

View this video to learn more:

Or follow the steps below to set up your banking alerts:

  1. Sign-in to your online banking account.
  2. Go to "Messages and Alerts".
  3. Under "Manage Alerts", you can choose the Alerts you'd like to receive – any or all. (You can also turn off or change your Alert choices here.)
  4. Under "Manage Alerts Contacts", enter the email address and/or the mobile phone number where you would like to receive your Alerts. (Our privacy code ensures that your personal information will remain secure.
If you are experiencing issues with Online Banking Alerts or have questions, please contact us.